Trek "Family" Information
Trek “Family” Information
The Buddy System
We will be working on the buddy system; you need to know where the youth are. They need to ask your permission before they leave the family for any reason. They must always go with their buddy. Ma’s and Pa’s are to assign youth in their family as buddies – YW as buddies, YM as buddies, but not a YM and YW as buddies! You may need to have a trio!
Priesthood Blessings
Pa’s, please look for opportunities to use the Priesthood in your families. If any family members are struggling, please be willing to offer and to give a priesthood blessing or to hold a short family prayer on their behalf.
Big Brothers and Big Sisters
Each couple will be responsible for supervising a “family” of 8-10 youth on the trail and in camp. Two of the youth in each family will be serving as a Big Brother and Big Sister to the rest of the family, help train them! Help them to prepare to lead by example and to prepare devotionals. Give them basic First-aid training and trail rules/safety guidelines. Help them learn how to lead and delegate. Support them as he/she leads the family in activities: such as devotionals, meal preparation and clean-up, following conference rules, keeping the family together, problem solving, etc.
Keep Things Positive
Encourage appropriate behavior by setting a good example and maintaining a positive and supportive approach before and during the trek. Absolutely no whining! If you have concerns, speak directly to the Trek Master or a member of the Stake Presidency. Your family should be working and having fun together. Help all members of your family to be responsible.
Be Enthusiastic and Encouraging
Our goal is for each individual youth to come to realize that they can DO THIS! Please help youth to remember the trek theme, “Walking with our ancestors in the light of Christ.” Let them know that like the early saints, they too can be a pioneer and accomplish difficult things. Enthusiasm and encouragement from the Ma’s/Pa’s will go a long way as we inspire the youth to keep moving forward with faith through their own challenging journey.